AWS vs. GCP vs. Azure — A DevOps Engineer’s In-Depth Comparison

Jevgenijs Migusa
10 min read3 hours ago


As organizations increasingly move towards cloud-based infrastructures, selecting the right cloud provider is critical for driving scalability, performance, and cost-effectiveness. Amazon Web Services (AWS), Google Cloud Platform (GCP), and Microsoft Azure are the three dominant players in the cloud space, each offering a vast array of services and unique advantages. However, they differ significantly in terms of available services, infrastructure, ease of use, and pricing models.

For a DevOps engineer, these differences can directly impact how effectively you can deploy, manage, and optimize your cloud environments. This article provides an in-depth comparison of AWS, GCP, and Azure, focusing on four essential areas:

  1. Available Services: What services do they offer, and how do they support modern workloads like machine learning, data analytics, and containerization?
  2. Infrastructure and Global Reach: How extensive is their global footprint, and how do they handle scalability, redundancy, and failover options?
  3. Entry-Level Experience and Learning Curve: How easy is it to get started on each platform? What kind of documentation, training, and resources are available for newcomers?
  4. Costs and Pricing Models: How do the pricing structures differ, and which provider offers the best cost-efficiency for different types of workloads?

By the end of this article, you’ll have a clearer understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of each cloud provider, helping you make a more informed decision about which platform is the best fit for your organization’s needs.

1. Available Services


AWS is the industry leader in cloud services, offering over 200 distinct offerings. Its ecosystem is vast, covering everything from compute (EC2) to machine learning (SageMaker), serverless computing (Lambda), storage (S3), and IoT services. AWS is especially strong in providing services for organizations with varied, complex, or large-scale workloads.


  1. Breadth of Services: AWS has the widest array of services, supporting everything from AI/ML to edge computing and IoT.
  2. Global Reach: With more regions and availability zones than any other provider, AWS ensures low latency and high availability for global organizations.
  3. Ecosystem Maturity: With years of leadership in the cloud market, AWS integrates well with numerous third-party services and tools, offering unparalleled flexibility.


  1. Service Overload: The sheer number of offerings can be overwhelming for newcomers, making it hard to navigate and choose the right services.
  2. Complex Naming: AWS’s service names can be unintuitive (e.g., EC2, S3), often requiring extra research to understand their function.
  3. Overwhelming for Simple Use Cases: For smaller teams or simpler workloads, AWS’s vast ecosystem may feel excessive and complicated.


Google Cloud Platform shines in data analytics, machine learning, and Kubernetes (GKE) due to Google’s deep expertise in these areas. GCP’s services are fewer compared to AWS but are generally more streamlined and easier to use for certain workloads, such as AI, data processing, and CI/CD pipelines.


  1. Data and AI Excellence: GCP excels in data analytics and machine learning services, with tools like BigQuery and TensorFlow that are hard to rival.
  2. Kubernetes Leadership: Google is the creator of Kubernetes, and GCP offers the best Kubernetes Engine (GKE), making it the preferred platform for container orchestration.
  3. Service Simplicity: GCP’s offerings are fewer but more streamlined, with clearer and simpler service names, making it easier for new users to understand.


  1. Fewer Services: GCP offers fewer services compared to AWS or Azure, which can be limiting for businesses with diverse needs.
  2. Smaller Ecosystem: While GCP’s core services are robust, its third-party ecosystem is not as mature as AWS or Azure, limiting integration options.
  3. Regional Availability: GCP has fewer regions and availability zones than AWS or Azure, which could result in higher latency or fewer compliance options in some geographies.


Microsoft Azure is heavily focused on enterprise environments and hybrid cloud solutions. Azure excels at integrating cloud services with existing Microsoft technologies like Active Directory, Windows Server, and Office 365. With over 200 services, it has caught up to AWS in terms of service breadth.


  1. Enterprise Integration: Azure is the best option for organizations that rely on Microsoft products, with seamless integration with Windows, SQL Server, and Active Directory.
  2. Hybrid Cloud Strength: Azure offers excellent hybrid cloud solutions that allow businesses to extend their on-prem infrastructure to the cloud easily.
  3. Comprehensive Offering: Azure’s service catalog, especially in IoT, AI, and DevOps, rivals AWS in both breadth and depth.


  1. Learning Curve for Non-Microsoft Users: Teams unfamiliar with Microsoft tools may struggle with Azure’s emphasis on Windows-centric environments.
  2. Service Maturity: Although Azure’s services are broad, they may not be as mature as AWS in some areas, particularly for complex, high-performance computing tasks.
  3. Documentation Quality: Azure’s documentation and community resources, while improving, are not as comprehensive or accessible as AWS’s offerings.

2. Infrastructure and Global Reach


AWS has the largest global infrastructure of the three providers, operating in 30+ regions and over 100 availability zones worldwide. This extensive infrastructure makes AWS the best choice for businesses needing high availability and low-latency services across multiple geographies.


  1. Global Dominance: AWS has the most regions and availability zones, providing excellent coverage and low-latency options globally.
  2. Redundancy and Availability: AWS’s infrastructure is designed for fault tolerance and high availability, with robust disaster recovery capabilities.
  3. Edge Services: AWS offers advanced edge computing services like AWS Outposts and CloudFront, making it a leader in extending cloud services closer to users.


  1. Pricing Complexity by Region: Costs can vary significantly by region, and managing multi-region deployments can be expensive.
  2. Latency in Lesser-Served Regions: While AWS has the most regions, it may still have higher latency in regions with fewer availability zones.
  3. Resource Over-Provisioning: In complex multi-region setups, managing infrastructure across regions can lead to over-provisioning of resources.


GCP’s infrastructure is notable for its high-performance networking, leveraging Google’s global fiber-optic network. Although it has fewer regions (38 regions, fewer availability zones), its performance is generally excellent, especially for latency-sensitive workloads.


  1. Network Performance: GCP’s use of Google’s global fiber-optic network results in some of the best-performing networks among cloud providers.
  2. High-Performance Compute: GCP’s infrastructure is built for high-performance workloads, particularly in data analytics and ML.
  3. Innovative Architecture: GCP’s global load balancing is superior, allowing traffic to be efficiently routed across regions.


  1. Smaller Global Footprint: GCP has fewer regions and availability zones than AWS or Azure, which may limit deployment options for highly distributed workloads.
  2. Limited Edge Services: GCP is behind AWS in terms of edge computing and CDN capabilities.
  3. Fewer Availability Zones per Region: GCP often has fewer availability zones in each region, limiting failover and high-availability options in some geographies.


Azure’s infrastructure has grown rapidly, with over 60 regions, surpassing AWS and GCP in terms of the number of regions. Azure is particularly strong in hybrid cloud setups, making it ideal for enterprises looking to extend on-premises resources into the cloud.


  1. Widest Regional Presence: Azure has the most regions of any cloud provider, offering more geographical options for businesses with global needs.
  2. Hybrid Cloud Leadership: Azure’s focus on hybrid solutions, such as Azure Stack, enables businesses to run consistent environments across on-prem and cloud.
  3. Comprehensive Data Center Integration: Azure’s infrastructure integrates well with on-prem data centers, offering superior options for businesses transitioning to the cloud.


  1. Inconsistent Availability Zones: While Azure has the most regions, not all regions have multiple availability zones, reducing redundancy in certain areas.
  2. Network Performance: Azure’s networking performance, while solid, doesn’t match the global reach and speed of Google’s network infrastructure.
  3. Edge and CDN Limitations: Azure’s edge services are catching up but still lag behind AWS’s advanced edge computing and content delivery capabilities.

3. Entry-Level Experience and Learning Curve


AWS is powerful but complex, especially for beginners. The learning curve can be steep due to its vast service catalog and the intricacies of service configurations. AWS offers extensive documentation and certification programs to ease the entry, but initial navigation can still be challenging.


  1. Extensive Training Resources: AWS provides a wealth of tutorials, certifications, and documentation to help newcomers get up to speed.
  2. Rich Ecosystem: AWS has the largest community and third-party support, making it easier to find solutions and integrations.
  3. Marketplace: AWS Marketplace offers thousands of pre-built solutions, enabling users to quickly deploy software and services.


  1. Overwhelming for Beginners: The sheer number of services can make AWS difficult to approach for those new to cloud computing.
  2. Complex Interface: AWS’s UI can feel cluttered, with many configuration options that might confuse entry-level users.
  3. Service Fragmentation: Many AWS services overlap in functionality, which can complicate service selection for beginners.


GCP offers the simplest and most intuitive entry for cloud newcomers. Its interface is user-friendly, and services are streamlined, making it easy to get started. GCP also has strong documentation and simplified pricing, further reducing the barrier to entry.


  1. Simplified Service Offering: GCP’s smaller number of services, with clear and intuitive naming, reduces confusion for first-time users.
  2. User-Friendly Interface: GCP’s UI is clean and easier to navigate compared to AWS or Azure, making it ideal for new cloud users.
  3. Streamlined Documentation: GCP’s documentation is clear, concise, and often easier to digest, particularly for data scientists and developers.


  1. Smaller Community: GCP has a smaller user base compared to AWS and Azure, which means less community-driven resources and tutorials.
  2. Fewer Certification Programs: While GCP offers some certifications, the number of formal training resources and certifications is fewer than AWS.
  3. Limited Marketplace: GCP’s marketplace is smaller, offering fewer pre-built solutions compared to AWS.


Azure is well-suited for enterprises that already use Microsoft products, as the platform seamlessly integrates with existing Microsoft tools. For teams familiar with Microsoft ecosystems, Azure’s learning curve is manageable. However, non-Microsoft environments may find Azure more difficult to adopt.


  1. Familiarity for Microsoft Users: For businesses already using Microsoft products, Azure offers a seamless transition with an easier learning curve.
  2. Detailed Certifications and Training: Azure has a strong certification program, particularly for enterprises looking to upskill their teams.
  3. Intuitive for Hybrid Workloads: Azure’s ease of integration with on-prem environments makes it ideal for teams building hybrid cloud setups.


  1. Learning Curve for Non-Microsoft Teams: Teams unfamiliar with Microsoft products may struggle to navigate Azure’s Windows-centric ecosystem.
  2. User Interface Complexity: Azure’s UI can be confusing, with many hidden settings and a more cluttered dashboard compared to GCP.
  3. Documentation Gaps: Azure’s documentation, while improving, may not be as thorough or user-friendly as AWS’s offerings.

4. Costs and Pricing Models


AWS offers flexible pay-as-you-go pricing, with multiple models such as Reserved Instances and Spot Instances to help reduce costs. However, its pricing structure is complex, and unexpected cost spikes are common if you don’t closely monitor resource usage.


  1. Flexibility: AWS’s pricing models are highly flexible, with On-Demand, Reserved Instances, and Spot Instances that allow for significant cost optimization.
  2. Cost Management Tools: AWS provides tools like Cost Explorer and AWS Budgets to help track and manage spending.
  3. Reserved Pricing for Consistent Workloads: AWS Reserved Instances can provide substantial savings for predictable, long-running workloads.


  1. Complex Pricing Structure: AWS’s pricing can be difficult to estimate, especially for complex workloads or multi-region deployments.
  2. Costly at Scale: AWS’s flexibility can come at a price, with potentially higher costs than GCP or Azure for certain workloads.
  3. Egress Fees: Data transfer costs can add up quickly in AWS, especially when moving data between regions or out of the cloud.


GCP is often regarded as the most cost-effective cloud provider, particularly for data-heavy and compute-intensive workloads. Its pricing is simpler and more transparent, and GCP provides automatic sustained-use discounts without the need for upfront commitments.


  1. Simplified Pricing: GCP’s pricing is straightforward and transparent, making it easier to estimate costs upfront.
  2. Sustained-Use Discounts: GCP automatically applies discounts for sustained workloads without the need for upfront commitments, making it ideal for long-running processes.
  3. Cost-Effective for Data Workloads: GCP’s pricing for data storage and analytics services like BigQuery is competitive, often outperforming AWS and Azure in cost efficiency.


  1. Fewer Pricing Models: GCP offers fewer pricing options than AWS, such as Reserved Instances, which may limit flexibility for certain workloads.
  2. Smaller Ecosystem: GCP’s smaller ecosystem may result in fewer third-party cost-optimization tools and integrations.
  3. Higher Compute Costs in Some Regions: GCP can have higher compute costs in regions where it has fewer data centers.


Azure’s pricing is comparable to AWS, with similar models for Reserved Instances, Spot Instances, and pay-as-you-go pricing. However, Azure offers additional benefits for Microsoft-centric organizations, such as the Azure Hybrid Benefit, which allows businesses to leverage existing Windows licenses for cost savings.


  1. Azure Hybrid Benefit: Organizations using Microsoft licenses can save significantly on cloud costs by utilizing the Azure Hybrid Benefit.
  2. Reserved Instances: Like AWS, Azure offers Reserved Instances, which can lead to significant cost savings for predictable workloads.
  3. Competitive Pricing for Windows Workloads: Azure tends to be more cost-effective than AWS or GCP for Windows-based workloads due to its deep integration with Microsoft services.


  1. Complex Pricing Structure: Like AWS, Azure’s pricing can be difficult to estimate, especially when using multiple services across regions.
  2. Egress Costs: Data transfer fees can add up, particularly when moving data across regions or out of Azure to other clouds.
  3. Less Automatic Cost Savings: Unlike GCP’s sustained-use discounts, Azure doesn’t automatically reduce costs based on usage, requiring more manual optimization efforts.

Conclusion: AWS vs. GCP vs. Azure — Which One Should You Choose?

AWS is the best choice for organizations with diverse and large-scale workloads that require the broadest range of services and global coverage. Its extensive service offerings, strong infrastructure, and mature ecosystem make it a leader, but its complexity and pricing may be overwhelming for smaller teams or simple use cases.

GCP is ideal for data-centric organizations, developers, and teams focused on AI/ML or containerized workloads. Its simplicity, cost-efficiency, and high-performance networking make it an attractive option, especially for startups or teams needing an easy entry point into the cloud.

Azure shines for enterprises, especially those already using Microsoft tools. Its hybrid cloud capabilities and integration with Windows-based workloads make it the best choice for organizations looking to extend their existing Microsoft infrastructure. While its pricing is competitive, especially for Microsoft-centric environments, Azure’s interface and documentation can pose challenges for non-Microsoft users.

Ultimately, the best cloud provider for you depends on your specific needs — whether it’s service breadth, cost efficiency, infrastructure flexibility, or ease of integration with existing systems. As a DevOps engineer, the key is understanding the strengths and weaknesses of each platform and matching them to your organization’s goals.

